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The REFUGE: Do you know its story?

What were the dramatic events that prompted Nicolas Noguier, the president and founder of the famous French association Le Refuge, to create a structure that supports and takes in young LGBT people in distress, throughout France?

What were the obstacles, the pitfalls, the strokes of luck that led Nicolas Noguier to embark on this adventure?

Revelations and surprises are at the end of your index, if you click now on this video ...


The history of the Refuge is linked to that of Nicolas Noguier, its founder


It is a decisive story, a great adventure, which radically changed the fate of those in France who are rejected by their families, because of their sexual or gender orientation.

This beautiful story is that of Nicolas Noguier, the President of the Le Refuge foundation, who will reveal to you, in a moment, what were the painful events that pushed him to create this beautiful association which comes to the aid of daily life. to young homosexuals, lesbians and trances!

You will then discover with Marie-Bénédicte MELTON, how her life was turned upside down, when she met Nicolas for the first time and took in the very first young LGBT in his hotel. She will also tell us some crisp anecdotes about the Refuge.


This report will show you to what extent, in this kind of project, it is necessary to be endowed with unwavering determination, Le Refuge: Do you know its history? verted-space "> and with a huge heart! Because it was Nicolas Noguier's empathy, in the face of the pain of LGBTQ + young people in distress, that prompted him to create the Refuge!


A testimony full of lessons, for all those who wish to set up a project, whatever it is. But also and above all, a human story that shows us that in life, we have much more to gain from helping each other than from hating each other!


Look !


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👉 Help Le Refuge to support and accommodate more young people rejected by their loved ones because they are homosexual or trans. : Clic here


Le Refuge: protecting LGBT youth (Lesbians, Bi Gays & Trances)


Le Refuge, in France, is the only structure for the fight against homophobia recognized as being of public utility which is able to offer temporary accommodation and social, medical and psychological support to young people, aged 14 to 25, girls and boys. , victims of homophobia or transphobia, but also to those who wonder about their gender identity and who for these reasons have been rejected and expelled from the family home. A special system is also offered to LGBT asylum seekers, a particularly vulnerable population.


The Le Refuge Association was created in 2003. It was recognized as a public utility in 2011.

Le Refuge has become since our interview, a foundation on March 14, 2020.

Its current president is still Nicolas Noguier, its creator.

At the time of writing, it is Muriel Robin, the famous French humorist who is the godmother of the Foundation, (Muriel Robin which we will talk about in a future show) ...


Le Refuge in France


The Le Refuge foundation has a total of 20 delegations and volunteers throughout France:

  • Alfortville
  • Angers,
  • Avignon
  • Bastia (Corsica)
  • Besancon
  • Bordeaux
  • Cayenne (Guyana)
  • Grenoble
  • Le Havre
  • Lille
  • Lyon
  • Marseilles
  • Montpellier
  • Nice
  • Paris
  • Perpignan
  • Reindeer
  • Saint-Denis (Reunion Island)
  • Strasbourg
  • Toulouse
  • Without forgetting the Geneva branch in Switzerland open since March 31, 2015 in collaboration with the Dialogai association.




Contact the Refuge:


Le Refuge Foundation

75 place d´Acadie

34000 Montpellier



⚠️ 24/7 emergency hotline: 06 31 59 69 50.


👉 Help Le Refuge to support and accommodate more young people rejected by their loved ones because they are homosexual or trans. : Click here


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