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Despite the exchanges and support you may have had online and with the HappyGayTV community, you may feel the need to be physically accompanied from an LGBT+ community. In order to ensure the presence of reception centers specially dedicated to people who question their sexual and affective identity or orientation, or fully affirm it, LGBT centers or gay and lesbian centers (CGL) have emerged. In France they are organized in an associative way (the 1901 law) are grouped around a common project. The unifying association formed in 2003 under the name of Inter Centers LGBT now bears the name of LGBTI+ Federation and defines itself as the federation of lesbian, gay, bi, transgender and intersex associations and centers in France. The Federation is thus composed of different members who find themselves in its values and objectives.

The organization of the LGBTI+ Federation in centers

The main objective of this federation is to create a system of solidarity between the different LGBT centers in France and all the associated members who share their values. These are presented in an Ethics Charter which brings together the main objectives such as:

  • Defend the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people,
  • Fight against all forms of discriminatory violence,
    Intervene publicly, and if necessary take legal action, in favor of LGBT+ people,
  • Conduct and support community actions in the field of health, culture and research,
  • To transmit the memory of the deportations of homosexuals and homosexuals during the Second World War,
  • Act in France, Europe and internationally.

There are different statuses within the federation. There are both LGBT centers in France that have signed the Charter and are therefore full members, and associate members who run LGBT associative centers and feel concerned by the values ​​of the Charter.

LGBT center in Paris and Île-de-France

Created in 1993 thanks to the joint action of around fifty representatives of gay associations or those fighting against AIDS, the Gay and Lesbian Center (CGL de Paris) later became the Paris Île-de-France LGBT Center. This place brings together both a reception and listening area, thanks to a call line and lively premises, but also real times of conviviality with an associative bar, activities focused on well-being, prevention and support.

The center is also the headquarters of many other associations and has many resources on homosexuality, bisexuality and transidentity thanks to the Jean Le Bitoux library located on the first floor.

LGBT centers in 10 major cities in France

Often located in large cities, due to the concentration of population and resources, the LGBT centers in 10 major French cities are presented to you in alphabetical order below. For those who are members of the LGBT+ Federation, their contact details are available directly on their site.

Bordeaux LGBT Center

The Bordeaux and Aquitaine LGBT center is managed by GIROFARD, an association that is part of an associative listening network by bringing together other member structures such as AIDER Gironde, La maison des femmes or Friends of Homosociality. . GIROFARD also participates in consultative commissions within the framework of the fight against discrimination with the Regional Council.

Caen LGBT Center

Under the name Maison des Diversités (MDD), the LGBTI Center of Normandy is present in various cities of the region thanks to local branches in the cities of Caen, Rouen, Saint-Lô, Cherboug and Évreux.

Lille LGBT center

J’en suis, j’y reste is a Lille association that brings together several associations, groups and collectives from the region around local actions and an associative bar. Defining itself as an LGBTQIF center (F for feminist), it is however not a member of the Federation.

The LGBT center of Lyon

Resulting from the merger between ARIS and the Gay & Lesbian Forum, the Lyon LGBTI center can receive you in the 1st arrondissement of Lyon. In addition to being a place of welcome thanks to the permanence, multiple activities are organized in the form of workshops such as theatre, dance or queer tango.

The Marseille LGBT Center

The IDEM Collective (Identities-Diversity-Equality-Mediterranean) was created in 2012 by bringing together more than 10 local and national associations around common projects. For example, he is behind the first Euro-Mediterranean LGBT Forum which took place in July 2013, as well as the launch of the TRANS-FORM Festival! in 2015.

The Nancy LGBT Center

The LGBTI+ center in Nancy has been run by Équinox since the association joined the Federation in 2012. A place of welcome, reflection and exchange, Équinox is involved in a number of missions.

Also a member of the Federation, the National Transgender Association (A.N.T) of Nancy relies on local and regional groups, present in Nancy and Metz among others. The aim is to provide trans people with information and assistance if necessary.

Nantes LGBT center

In the city of Nantes in Loire-Atlantique, the NOSIG association runs the city's LGBTQI+ centre. Particularly active on their Facebook page, the association offers many reception times in their premises rue Dugast Matifeux. The association born in 1997 is a member of the French Federation of LGBT Centers and invests, in addition to its daily action, in the context of Pride Week.

The LGBT center of Nice and the Côte d'Azur

A collective created in 2005 CADOS (Collective Azuréen pour les Droits des Orientations Sexuales), it now brings together nearly 20 associations to centralize community action in the PACA region.

Rennes LGBT center

Founded in 2001 with the support of the City of Rennes and a local Rennes network, Iskis was born from the desire to offer a reception area for lesbians, gays, bis and transgender people of all ages. In addition to the permanent reception, the center organizes training times on themes related to transidentity, sex, gender, etc.

The Toulouse LGBT center

No center in the network of LGBT centers in Toulouse, but the LGBTQI association Arc En Ciel, open to everyone, which campaigns for the visibility of LGBT+ people. The association worked for the creation of this place of reception within the pink city, which was born in 2012.

To find the LGBT center that has signed the Federation Charter, contact LGBT+ 66 in Perpignan.

How to have access to LGBT centers everywhere in France?

Obviously not everyone lives in the city and some are even particularly far away. The first advice would be to try to get closer to an LGBT+ center in the nearest big city to your home. Unfortunately, it is sometimes not always possible to do so, for lack of mobility or means.

For this, you can find solutions on the Internet to start discussions, exchange, get advice and support, and perhaps even forge links that will allow you to truly feel part of a community.

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The phone numbers of the various associations presented can also be a remote solution to exchange with volunteer members of LGBTQIA associations, without having to travel at first.

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