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Many of you ask me the question: "What gave you the idea of ​​creating HappyGay TV"? In fact to be honest, I don't quite know how it came about.

I can't date a day or an hour when I would have thought I was going to make this webTV for gays.
I think I had this in me for a very long time.
It is in fact the result of a long journey both professional and human, two paths which ended up meeting.
A little, as if on one side, there was a sperm and on the other an ovum which gave birth to a small baby which one would have called HappygayTV; paradoxical for a gay!
It was something both in my guts and in my head. As if my whole body resonated to push me to carry out this project.
A force, as quiet as it was determined, that pushed me to move in that direction.
A long journey; gestation lasted about 5 years; which led me to the middle of a large crossroads, as large as the Place de l'Etoile, in Paris.
A bit, as if all the roads that I had taken in my existence, and this, since my earliest childhood, had led me to a crossroads, to take a new direction.
Come to think of it, it's a bit as if my personal journey and my professional journey were harmonized by playing together to set up this crazy project!
As if I had to take a path, which the whole universe had conspired to make me take, for a very long time.
By taking the inventory, I realized that the different experiences that I had had, as well as the skills that I had acquired throughout my professional life, had all come together here, now, at the service of this adventure.
Humanly, because I was lucky as a gay man, to find a nice balance, even if it was the fruit of a long personal journey, while the family and social context in which I grew up and evolved , was not necessarily quite ready to accept this option.

In the end, I told myself that if I was happy as I was, I could also share my experience with other gays, while realizing that I should not be the only one on Earth in this case!

So I could have opened a simple blog where we could have gargled between homos who managed to take responsibility!

But it was not without taking into account that I instinctively realized that there was no gay site really allowing each of them to find answers or leads to help them flourish and especially to come. help those who are really in difficulty, both morally and materially.

No chain of friendship, mutual aid, solidarity, at the global level, which with the help of each of us, could help gays to face the problems they encounter.

To sum up, parodying the title of a Christian-Jaque film about radio amateurs in 1956, HappyGayTV is a bit like "If all the gays in the world were holding hands"!
Thus, all of us together will be stronger to live our life fully while being both gay and happy!

To Stéphane

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